A downloadable asset pack

The Monogame Framework includes definitions for well over a hundred colours. Designing colour palettes by specifying custom RGB values or using the included named colour definitions is tricky when developing games.

The problem is imagining their appearance when displayed in your game on a video screen. For example, can you picture what an arbitrary set of RGB values will look like at runtime? Or how about "Color.Gainsboro", "Color.Firebrick", or "Color.DarkOliveGreen"?

This download is but a single rendered image, but by including the colour names, RGB values, and colour patches that can be rendered on your monitor, the developer will have a great starting point for deciding the colours look best, or what tweaks to the numbers are needed.

The screenshot on the right is a lower-resolution version of the downloadable PNG image. It is a preview, not a reference.


MonogamePalette.png 539 kB

Install instructions

Just download it.  It is a 1920 x 1080 size PNG file. Every available palette sample is named along with its accompanying RGB numerical values and a colour swatch that demonstrates displaying on a device.

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